2014年11月28日 星期五

XOOPS : 轉知:Basic Module Pack for XOOPS 2.5.5 (recently updated Final releases)

There was a progress over the last few days with finalizing some of the modules that will be part of ourXOOPS Basic Module Pack.

Together with modules already released earlier, here is the updated current Basic Module Pack:

Avaman 0.22 Final
Backup 3.3 Final
Birthday 2.3 Final
Boox 1.71 Final
Defacer 1.11 Final
extGallery 1.11 Final
Google Maps 0.9 Final  中文版下載網頁
Marquee 2.49 Final
Mastop Go2 1.02 Final
MyComments 1.01 Final
MyMenus 1.41 Final
MySearch 1.21 Final
MyTabs 2.21 Final
Obituaries 2.31 Final
Qrcode 1.02 Final
SmartFAQ 1.10 Final
Soapbox 1.6 Final
TDMDownloads 1.62 Final
Wf-Downloads 3.21 Final
Wf-links 1.09 Final

There will be more modules coming soon, as the goal is to finish the Basic Module Pack by end of the year, so we can focus on converting all these modules to XOOPS 2.6.0 

All these modules have been tested on PHP 5.4.8, so they should be running just fine on existing XOOPS 2.5.5 and PHP 5.2+ installations.

If you find any bugs, please report them in this Thread.

We would also appreciate all help with finalizing other modules, and with writing documentation or creating video tutorials, and translations into local languages.

We would like to thank all users who tested these modules and reported bugs, and all developers who contributed new features and bug fixes!

It is this collaboration that makes the XOOPS Community so strong!

Viva XOOPS!  本文原址:http://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=6411


vegromance 模組提供下載: 未婚聯誼模組,使用者可以維護自己的好友名單與留言本



請先下載 QRcode 軟體 http://www.xoops.org.tw/modules/wfdow ... inglefile.php?cid=1&lid=2
使用 comment
使用 google map version 2
admin 可以維護商店與商品的分類,且可以建立子分類
user 可以建立與維護自己商店與商品的分類,沒有子分類
  • QRcode
  • Google Maps
  • comment

  • XOOPS 2+

QRcode Perl CGI & PHP script ver.0.50g


產生 QRcode 的套件,測試環境為 XOOPS 2.4.3。壓縮檔解開後請放在 XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/Frameworks 下,也就是會有這麼一個目錄 XOOPS_ROOT_PATH/Frameworks/qr_img
  • QRcode
其他檔案: elie
XOOPS 2.016 UTF8 SMS HACK (Thu, 07-Oct-2010)
vegromance (Wed, 06-Oct-2010)
vegshop (Fri, 27-Aug-2010)
vegcoupon (Mon, 23-Aug-2010)
vegpad (Fri, 13-Aug-2010)

